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Biofuel Dilemma

Blog by Patricia Houlihan - Personal Real Estate Corporation | August 11th, 2008

The World Food Agency, the UN agency in charge of ending famine, is concerned that the rapidly increasing market demand for biofuel may become a contributing factor to world hunger.  As the market demand for biofuel increases and farmers sell their crops to ethanol plants the food supply is decreasing, which in turn is driving food prices up.


The International Monetary Fund is reporting an alarming 23 per cent rise in food prices in the past 18 months and the US Agriculture Department says global grain inventories are at their lowest levels in 30 years.  In the US there are currently over 100 new ethanol plants under construction.


Under normal circumstances the market would create a balance between food and fuel, but in Canada government subsidies for corn-based ethanol are warping the signals creating artificially high levels of production.  The UN is worried that too much biofuel is entering the market too quickly and that the poor will become the causalities of the subsequent rising food prices.


(All cited figures and quotes are from The Globe and Mail, July 20)