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Erosion Prevention

Blog by Patricia Houlihan - Personal Real Estate Corporation | September 11th, 2013

When it comes to buying property, especially property with a view, it is critical to consider the issue of soil erosion. This is particularly important for areas that are susceptible to lots of rain or are located near the water like Vancouver. In this blog we will be discussing erosion and the appropriate steps you can take to safeguard your property as well as your pocketbook…and most importantly your potential safety.


Erosion is process by which rock and soil are removed from the earth’s surface. Rain, wind, soil structure, topography, and vegetation influence the rate at which erosion occurs. For instance, a home located on a steep sandy slope is more susceptible to erosion than a home located on clay soil. This is because clay blinds soil particles together and is more stable in structure than sand or silt.


The first step for any erosion problems is to consult a professional. A qualified specialist will be able to advise you on the appropriate methods of sediment and erosion control for your property. They may advise building a retaining wall, constructing a natural barrier, suggest landscaping renovations, or provide consultation on home improvement projects.


While it is crucial to speak to a professional, there are inexpensive steps you can take to safeguard your own property from the risk of erosion. Constructing baffles or barriers to divert water from flowing directly downhill is apparently a good strategy-but I would advise not taking a do it yourself approach to this type of issue.


Another important step is the use of plants. For many waterfront homes located on a bluff or steep slope, homeowners choose to cut down trees and other obstructing vegetation. While the view may be nice, this can problematic in terms of erosion and may not be legal in the absence of a permit. Plants and trees are important for a variety of reasons. Their roots help to stabilize the soil and prevent the soil from washing away. They can be crucial for preventing erosion to a landscape.


The use of terraces is also good prevention step. The flat surfaces allow you to plant on the terraced levels, allowing water to soak in instead of running off. 


When buying Vancouver real estate in areas which may be susceptible,  it is always important to consider the issue of erosion. If you are unsure about the current stability of the home, speak to a professional like myself and I will assist you in finding an expert to look into the issue. I would be happy to assist you and answer any questions you may have.