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Fall Home Maintenance Projects

Blog by Patricia Houlihan - Personal Real Estate Corporation | September 6th, 2013

It’s that time of year again— the kids are back in school, the summer holidays are over, and it is starting to feel more like fall every day. As the season is coming to a close, now is a great time to get your autumn projects in order before the wet weather arrives. To better help you, we have compiled a list of a few things to do before end of summer.


Clean out your gutters

With rain in the long-term forecast, now is a good time to start cleaning out your gutters. While this is something many homeowners choose to ignore (I may be one of those homeowners!), cleaning out gutters is an important task for maintaining your home. Professionals recommend doing it twice a year; this will prevent your gutters from clogging with debris and overflowing.


Drain your pipes

If you are able to afford both a home in Vancouver and a summer cabin, with summer holidays coming to an end, this may be the last time you will be visiting your cabin until next year. One very important task to complete before you close your home for the winter is draining all the pipes in your home. This will prevent the possibility of a pipe bursting during the cold winter months. If you own a well, make sure to turn off the pump and disconnect it from the system. Drain the pump and pressure tank and open all faucets and valves to drain the water lines.


Check your furnace

Before the cold weather sets in, it is a good idea to have your furnace inspected for its annual checkup and cleaning. A good cleaning will help with the longevity of your machine and help save you money.


Lawn Maintenance

During the month of September, it is a good idea to dethatch and aerate your lawn. This can be done with a core aerator, which will help keep your lawn vibrant and healthy. It is also wise to fertilize and seed your lawn. Spot-spray any weeds by using lime and vinegar.


Disconnect Sprinkler/Irrigation System

Make sure to disconnect and drain your sprinkler/irrigation system to prevent freezing. Sometimes this task requires additional air pressure to blow out any access water.


I hope these items will give you a head start on your fall upkeep chores. If you are interested in Vancouver real estate and would like to check out houses this fall, please feel free to contact me at any time.