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Earth Day Sustainable Living

Blog by Patricia Houlihan - Personal Real Estate Corporation | July 17th, 2013

If you haven’t heard, Earth Day is happening this Monday, April 22. This is an excellent opportunity to make a difference and protect our planet. Since I was the first certified Ecobroker in BC, I think I should do what I can to pass on easy steps to help. To keep in the spirit of sustainability, we thought you might enjoy this list of environmentally friendly tips for your home.


1.    Improving Heating/Cooling Efficiency to Your Home

Heating and cooling your home occupies approximately half of your household energy. Installing proper insulation and caulking doors and windows for air drafts, are important steps for conserving heat and reducing your carbon footprint. It is also wise to annually inspect your furnace and air conditioner to ensure they are working properly.


2.    Reducing Water Consumption

According to the City of Vancouver approximately 80-90% of energy used to wash clothes is from heating water. You can save up to $50 dollars a year by switching to cold water for washing clothes. It is also important to be mindful of water consumption. Try to avoid letting the tap run while brushing your teeth and wash your dishes with a full sink of water instead of washing each dish individually while letting the tap run.


3.    Reducing Landfill Waste

It is amazing how much waste can be recycled these days! Initiatives such as the Green Bin Program in Vancouver, enables residents to recycle food scraps and yard waste. This organic material is composted and the soil is used throughout the city. Residents also have the option of recycling plastic, glass and metal in the blue recycling bins. These green initiatives can significantly reduce the amount of waste going to the landfill. It is important to always be mindful of waste and try and recycle whenever possible. When shopping, try and buy products with minimal packaging and use reusable grocery bags to reduce plastic bag waste.


If you are interested in eco-friendly Vancouver real estate, there is lot of housing in the city that incorporates green building design and sustainable initiatives.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I hope you have a wonderful Earth Day and thank you for making difference to protect our beautiful planet!